Provider Access

Thank you for choosing SCP Health! To use our services, you need to create your SCP Health Credentials. This is a simple and fast process that will give you a username and password for all your SCP Health accounts.

To begin, please complete the form with the information below. Make sure it matches what we have in our records, or you will not be able to sign up. If you have any problems, check your personal email for guidance.

If you already have your SCP Health Credentials, and you want to change your password, enter the required information, and select a new password. Remember, your password must be different from the last ten passwords you used.

If you have any questions, our Support Team is ready to assist you. Just call 888-354-1411.

This is the number you put on your charts and it can be found in your onboarding email or on on your pay stub.
This is the last four digits of your social security number.
This is the zip code for your mailing address on record.
This is one of your phone numbers on record.
Password must be minimum of 12 characters, at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 numeric character, 1 special character, and cannot contain your name. You will not be able to change your password to one of your previous 10 passwords. Passwords expire every 90 days.