Login Help

Registration and Password

To sign up for a mySCPHealth portal / mySCP app account or to change your password please follow the instructions on the link below.

Multifactor Authentication

Multi-factor Authentication is a way of confirming a user’s identity by verifying that the user has two or more pieces of information. This is usually accomplished by verifying something the user knows (such as a password) and something they have in their possession (such as a mobile device).

Using Multifactor Authentication

There are multiple ways for you to login to your account using either Okta, SMS Authentication and/or Voice Call Authentication. See below to learn more about how each method of verification works.

mySCP Product Access

Typically, you will be required to enter an organization name to access any of the mySCP mobile applications. You should have received this in your onboarding information packet email. You will only have to enter this once when prompted after your first login. For Example, entering SCP in this field is the default, when prompted after first login.